API Shipment Requests

The following sections describe how to create shipment requests using the YubiEnterprise API. Before starting, it is recommended that you review the information in Shipment Requests and Working with Shipments to get an understanding of how shipment requests work. See also the YubiEnterprise API Reference.


Using the API you can create requests for shipping keys to a single address. Shipping keys to multiple addresses can only be done through the Console, as described in Shipping to Multiple Addresses: Bulk Shipments.

Shipping to Single Address

Use the /shipments_exact API to ship products to a single address as illustrated in the following examples. The API can be used to handle shipment requests both directly from Yubico, or through resellers (channel partners).

The API includes:

  • GET /shipments_exact
  • POST /shipments_exact
  • GET /shipments_exact/{shipmentId}
  • PUT /shipments_exact

For more information, see the YubiEnterprise API Reference.

Example: Single Shipment Input

The following Curl example sends an HTTP POST to the shipments_exact resource URI to ship a YubiKey 5 NFC to a fictional recipient “Jan Lindberg”:

curl "https://api.console.yubico.com/v1/shipments_exact" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhb..." \
--data '{
    "channelpartner_id": 0,
    "delivery_type": 1,
    "country_code_2": "US",
    "recipient": "Example Inc.",
    "recipient_email": "jan.lindberg@example.com",
    "recipient_firstname": "Jan",
    "recipient_lastname": "Lindberg",
    "recipient_telephone": "555-5555",
    "street_line1": "7788 Foxrun Street",
    "street_line2": "",
    "street_line3": "",
    "city": "Dedham",
    "region": "MA",
    "postal_code": "02026",
    "shipment_items": [
        {"product_id": 3,
        "inventory_product_id": 15,
        "shipment_product_quantity": 16}

In the example above the delivery_type is set to 1 indicating a normal shipment. A value of 2 would request an expedited shipment. The recipient_email gives the address at which the recipient will receive an email with the tracking number of the shipment.


When creating shipment requests using the API, the maximum combined character limit for street_line1 and street_line2 is 120. For countries enabled on request, the maximum combined character limit is 510. For more information, see Recipient Information.

Shipments going to the US and Canada require a standardized two-letter USPS region code, see USPS Region/State Codes. The country code lookup in the API returns all countries in the world, not only the countries to which Yubico can ship. To see which countries Yubico can ship, see Delivery Policies.

For input values for shipment items, see Product and Inventory Identifiers.

Every shipping request is sent for address validation. “Pre-qualifying” the address using /validate-address does not eliminate the address validation step. Status is updated when address validation is complete. Once the request reaches the “Accepted for Fulfillment” status, it has passed the address validation phase.

A shipment request can be edited at any of the states between 1 and 9. From this point on, a shipment request is either processed through to an end state, or set back to state 99. The states are reflected in the messages displayed in the Console. For more information, see Shipment Status Codes.

Example: Single Shipment Output

    "shipment_id": "U89bvfKKCtQfhnqaFBrAZW",
    "shipment_items": [
            "inventory_product_id": 15,
            "shipment_product_id": "MZ9bmEYFpKKviHe8nSiq4W",
            "shipment_id": "U89bvfKKCtQfhnqaFBrAZW",
            "product_id": 3,
            "product_name": "YubiKey 5C",
            "product_sku": "5060408461488",
            "product_tier": 2,
            "shipment_product_quantity": 16
    "organization_id": "UEayb8v4LTHdAshpnk1gMd",
    "user_id": "WMktp3sgPSFt4zsgpLDF46",
    "country_code_2": "US",
    "is_delivered": false,
    "is_sent_to_fulfillment": false,
    "is_shipped": false,
    "recipient": "Example Inc.",
    "recipient_email": "jan.lindberg@example.com",
    "recipient_firstname": "Jan",
    "recipient_lastname": "Lindberg",
    "recipient_telephone": "555-5555",
    "street_line1": "7788 Foxrun Street",
    "city": "Dedham",
    "region": "MA",
    "postal_code": "02026",
    "delivery_type": 1,
    "shipment_state_code": "ShipmentStateAwaitingValidation",
    "shipment_state_id": 3,
    "shipment_state_message": "Awaiting Validation",
    "shipment_summary_description": "Total Keys: 16 yk5c:16",
    "shipment_request_date": "2020-12-10T19:56:57Z",
    "shipment_updated_date": "2020-12-10T19:56:57Z",
    "total_keys_shipped": 16

Identifying Products and Inventories

The product_id and inventory_product_id parameters are both used with /shipments_exact.

product_id is the unique identifier for a product, for example “4” represents the YubiKey 5C Nano. inventory_product_id specifies which inventory you are drawing from in a shipment request, and relates to the different types of purchasing tier options.

The inventory_product_id can also be thought of as the ID for a “bucket” containing credits your organization bought to cover the purchase of keys, lanyards, etc. Typically organizations with subscriptions have multiple “buckets”, while organizations without a subscription only have a single “bucket”. The inventory “buckets” correspond to the inventories displayed in the Console.

For product_id and inventory_product_id input values, see Product and Inventory Identifiers.

To get the complete list of products and inventories available to your organization, make a call to GET /inventory. If your organization has custom-programmed keys, the returned list will also include those.

To make a shipment request for custom-programmed keys, ensure to use the /inventory /products API to get the specific inventory_product_id and product_id. Using standard product_id codes in shipment requests will result in errors.

Example: Without Subscription

A non-subscription purchase means an outright purchase of physical keys on a perpetual basis.

For example, if you bought outright a number of YubiKey 5C Nanos, when creating the shipment request the product_id and inventory_product_id values are the same in the shipment request, “4” for “YubiKey 5C Nano”.

The shipment request would look like this:

   "delivery_type": 1,
   "country_code_2": "US",
   "recipient": "string",
   "recipient_email": "string",
   "recipient_firstname": "string",
   "recipient_lastname": "string",
   "recipient_telephone": "string",
   "street_line1": "string",
   "street_line2": "string",
   "street_line3": "string",
   "city": "string",
   "region": "string",
   "postal_code": "string",
   "shipment_items": [
         "product_id": 4,
         "inventory_product_id": 4,
         "shipment_product_quantity": 6

Example: With Subscription

With a subscription, a specific value for the inventory_product_id identifies from which purchased subscription tier to draw the keys in the shipment request. The combination of product_id and inventory_product_id values defines which key model to include in the shipment, and which inventory the keys should be drawn from.

For example, a shipment request for two “YubiKey 5C Nano” (product_id = 4) from a “Primary Subscription - Advanced Tier: Initial” inventory (inventory_product_id = 15) would look like this:

   "delivery_type": 1,
   "country_code_2": "US",
   "recipient": "string",
   "recipient_email": "string",
   "recipient_firstname": "string",
   "recipient_lastname": "string",
   "recipient_telephone": "string",
   "street_line1": "string",
   "street_line2": "string",
   "street_line3": "string",
   "city": "string",
   "region": "string",
   "postal_code": "string",
   "shipment_items": [
         "product_id": 4,
         "inventory_product_id": 15,
         "shipment_product_quantity": 2

For more input values, see Product and Inventory Identifiers. See also the YubiEnterprise API Reference.

Verifying Inventory

Inventory Type relates to the type of purchase such as subscription or non-subscription. As an example, if you purchased Subscription (2.0) you will be selecting from Inventory Type 3 or 5. If you purchased keys on the perpetual mode you will use Inventory Type 1. For more information, see Subscriptions and Inventories.

Input values for the inventory_type parameter used with /inventory are provided in Product Inventory Type Mapping.

Example: Inventory Output

Before creating a shipment request, you can verify that all the products you intend to ship are currently available in your inventory. This is useful to avoid shipping errors caused by lack of inventory.

  • /inventory returns all products associated with your organization’s account, including any products that have a current available inventory of 0.
  • When inventory_type is 1, products that have zero inventory are not listed. The quantities of the products available are shown next to the names of the products. Therefore, even if a product is shown on a PO, if its inventory is exhausted by the time you want to request it be shipped, this API will not return it.
   "count": 3,
   "total_count": 3,
   "organization_product_inventory": [
      "organization_product_inventory_id": "Cym9ypJsmVEshX9qzSQc7S",
      "is_subscription_product": true,
      "is_virtual_product": true,
      "organization_id": "UEayb8v4LTHdAshpnk1gMd",
      "organization_product_quantity": 978,
      "product_id": 15,
      "inventory_type": 3,
      "product_name": "Primary Subscr - Adv. Tier: Initial",
      "product_tier": 2
      ,"product_mapping": [
      "organization_product_inventory_id": "Ky8VzJWpftEk2hiMsJDjVW",
      "is_subscription_product": true,
      "is_virtual_product": true,
      "organization_id": "UEayb8v4LTHdAshpnk1gMd",
      "organization_product_quantity": 10,
      "product_id": 44,
      "inventory_type": 3,
      "product_name": "Backup Subscr - Prem. Tier: Initial",
      "product_tier": 3,
      "product_mapping": [
      "organization_product_inventory_id": "UPjT3FU8oqCoHPCr9mNUzD",
      "is_subscription_product": true,
      "is_virtual_product": true,
      "organization_id": "UEayb8v4LTHdAshpnk1gMd",
      "organization_product_quantity": 964,
      "product_id": 18,
      "inventory_type": 3,
      "product_name": "Primary Subscr - Prem. Tier: Initial",
      "product_tier": 3,
      "product_mapping": [

For more information, see the YubiEnterprise API Reference.

Verifying Custom Inventory

You can also verify any custom configured inventory if your organization is using customized keys. Custom configuration includes for example pre-programmed keys. You can ensure desired key models are available for shipment by verifying the number of remaining custom configured keys through the API before requesting a shipment.

After Yubico configures your customized key inventory allocation, you can use GET /inventory-allocations to find out how many customized keys of different form factors remain in your current inventory.

Example: Custom Configured Inventory

The inventory-allocations response in the example below provides a simple view of remaining inventory to ship. There is an entry for each product and the remaining_allocated_inventory value represents the amount of customized keys left which can be shipped. For product input values, see Product and Inventory Identifiers.

"allocations": [
        "product_id": 1,
        "product_name": "YubiKey 5 NFC",
        "remaining_allocated_inventory": 25
        "product_id": 4,
        "product_name": "YubiKey 5C Nano",
        "remaining_allocated_inventory": 25
        "product_id": 5,
        "product_name": "YubiKey 5Ci",
        "remaining_allocated_inventory": 2

For more information, see the YubiEnterprise API Reference.

Shipping to Multiple Addresses

Shipping keys to multiple addresses can only be done through the Console. For more information, see Shipping to Multiple Addresses: Bulk Shipments.

Deprecated APIs

The following tables list deprecated APIs related to shipment requests. For more information, see Deprecated APIs: Overview.

Shipment Request Creation: Address Information

Deprecated Replacement

Starting with release 2.8.0 this field in the recipient
address information will be deprecated and will only be
available until September 2024.
There is no replacement API for this functionality.

Shipping Requests: Bulk Shipment to Multiple Addresses

Deprecated Replacement
GET /v1/shipments/bulk
POST /v1/shipments/bulk
POST /v1/shipments/bulkvalidate

From July 2024, the only method to create
bulk shipment requests is to use the
There is no replacement API for this functionality.

Deprecated: Bulk Shipment Requests via API


The API for bulk shipment requests was deprecated and has been removed. The recommended method for submitting bulk shipment requests to multiple addresses is to use the YubiEnterprise Console. The documentation in the following is no longer maintained and is only for reference.

Bulk Shipment API

Bulk orders using the API are handled through the following APIs:

  • GET /shipments/bulk
  • POST /shipments/bulk
  • POST /shipments/bulkvalidate
  • POST /shipments/bulkdelete


Use the CSV file for bulk shipments via API. To ensure you are using the latest CSV file format, download the template file each time you prepare to upload a new batch of shipment requests.

Shipment Request Fields in CSV File


Although Console users can specify the inventory they want to draw from for individual shipment requests, this option is not available for bulk shipments. Bulk shipment requests for Subscription (1.0) allow only the selection of initial, replacement, or buffer stock. When inventory is not specified or cannot be specified, the system uses the “first in, first out” rule, which means it will deduct from the oldest purchase order first.

In the table below, all fields not marked as required are optional. The Limit column displays the maximum number of alphanumeric characters permitted per field/table cell.

Shipment request fields
Console: Field Label
CSV: Column Heading


Country code
Required. Country code
from available_countries.csv

1 Company recipient Required if name of recipient is not provided. 20
First name
Name of recipient.
Required if company name is not provided.

Last name
Recipient’s family name.
Required, if company name is not provided.

Address 1
Required. First line of address


Address 2
Required if address is undeliverable
without (for example suite #)

Address 3
Not supported for expedited/rush orders



Required. City, town, or township.



For the US and Canada, USPS codes are required.
See USPS Region/State Codes. (Console users: Select
code from dropdown). For other countries, region or
state is required if the address is not deliverable
without it. To check address availability,
see table footnote.

Zip or postal code


Recipient’s email address


Contact Phone

Required. Telephone number of the shipment recipient.
The limit is 40 of the alphanumeric characters
“0-9+-( )” unless the country code is IN, in which
case the limit is 255. Any format is acceptable,
with or without spaces.

Type of shipping, “Normal” (1) or “Expedited” (2).
Integers (required for API) OR words


Required. Console users select from dropdown.
For bulk orders and API users,

Required. If inventory was purchased directly from
Yubico, enter “1”; if not, enter the ChannelPartnerId.

YubiKey 5 NFC
Number of keys to be shipped
YubiKey 5 Nano
Number of keys to be shipped
YubiKey 5C
Number of keys to be shipped
YubiKey 5C Nano
Number of keys to be shipped
YubiKey 5Ci
Number of keys to be shipped
YubiKey 5Ci FIPS
Number of keys to be shipped
Number of keys to be shipped
YubikKy 5C Nano FIPS
Number of keys to be shipped
YubiKey 5C FIPS
Number of keys to be shipped
YubiKey 5 NFC FIPS
Number of keys to be shipped
YubiKey 5 Nano FIPS
Number of keys to be shipped
YubiKey C Bio -
FIDO Edition
Number of keys to be shipped


YubiKey Bio -
FIDO Edition
Number of keys to be shipped


Security Key NFC
by Yubico (Black)
Number of keys to be shipped


Security Key C NFC
by Yubico (Black)
Number of keys to be shipped


Security Key NFC
by Yubico -
Enterprise Edition
Number of keys to be shipped


Security Key C NFC
by Yubico -
Enterprise Edition
Number of keys to be shipped



To find out if an address is deliverable, make a shipment request and see what status code or message it gets. Deliverability is determined by our shipping partners, and it is their codes and messages we display when it comes to questions of deliverability. For a fuller explanation, see Troubleshooting.

C. and D. Names

Names and Addresses: First Line

First name and Last name in the Console and in the CSV file for bulk shipments, map to the first line on the shipping label.

Long recipient names can be problematic for all methods of requesting shipment, because the shipment request will fail if the contents of the First name and Last name fields and/or Company or recipient fields exceed the maximum number of characters permitted in these fields (shown in the table below).

Workaround: When a recipient’s full name or company name exceeds the fields’ maximum lengths, split the names across the three fields, as in this example:

Location Field (limit=15) Field (limit=20) Field (limit=20)
API recipient_firstname recipient_lastname recipient
CSV First name Last name Company
Console First name Last name Company
Example of an overly long name before adjustment to fit the fields
  Johannes-Maximilian von Derschowitz-Dampfloch zu Querdenker
Example after adjustment
  Joh.-Maximilian v.DerschowitzDampfloch zu Querdenker

Company Name: Second Line

The second line on the shipping label maps to the name of the recipient’s company if the address is not residential. For example, the system’s address verification function recognizes that Yubico’s Santa Clara facility is in a commercial building, therefore the company name is expected in:

  • The Company field/table cell in the Console and in the CSV file.

  • The recipient field in the API


    API: Do not use the /shipments recipient field to specify the name of the individual to whom products are to be shipped. For this, use the recipient_firstname and recipient_last name fields instead.

If the address is residential, leave empty:

  • The Company field/table cell in the Console and in the CSV file.
  • The recipient field in the API.

Address Information

Incomplete or incorrect address information might cause validation errors. For example, entering the following information for a shipment request would result in failure because USPS recognizes that there are multiple companies in the building whose address is 530 Lytton Avenue:

Jan Lindberg
530 Lytton Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94301

Similarly, entering the following information for a shipment request would result in failure because a residential address would not be associated with a company.

Jan Lindberg
Yubico Inc.
6 Lea Rd
Dronfield S18 1SB

When adding address information, you can for example use the address formats provided by Google Maps, see note in Troubleshooting. The limits on the various fields and the options for the dropdown are given in Shipment Request Form Fields.

E. Post Office Boxes

Although the system can deliver to Post Office (PO) Boxes within the United States, delivery to the equivalent elsewhere in the world is unlikely to succeed.

I. Region/State

For shipments going to the US and Canada, the region field requires the standardized two-letter USPS code listed below.

USPS Codes for US and Canada
State (US) / Province or Territory (Canada) Code
Alabama AL
Alaska AK
Alberta AB
Arizona AZ
Arkansas AR
British Columbia/Colombie-Britannique BC
California CA
Colorado CO
Connecticut CT
Delaware DE
District of Columbia DC
Florida FL
Georgia GA
Hawaii HI
Idaho ID
Illinois IL
Indiana IN
Iowa IA
Kansas KS
Kentucky KY
Louisiana LA
Maine ME
Manitoba MB
Maryland MD
Massachusetts MA
Michigan MI
Minnesota MN
Mississippi MS
Missouri MO
Montana MT
Nebraska NE
Nevada NV
New Brunswick/Nouveau-Brunswick NB
New Hampshire NH
New Jersey NJ
New Mexico NM
New York NY
Newfoundland/Terre-Neuve NF
North Carolina NC
North Dakota ND
Northwest Territories/Territoires du Nord-Ouest NT
Nova Scotia/Nouvelle-Écosse NS
Nunavut NU
Ohio OH
Oklahoma OK
Ontario ON
Oregon OR
Pennsylvania PA
Prince Edward Island/Île-du-Prince-Édouard PE
Puerto Rico PR
Quebec/Québec QC
Rhode Island RI
Saskatchewan SK
South Carolina SC
South Dakota SD
Tennessee TN
Texas TX
Utah UT
Vermont VT
Virginia VA
Washington WA
West Virginia WV
Wisconsin WI
Wyoming WY
Yukon YK

L. Telephone Number

It is required that the recipient_telephone field be populated. This is the number at which the recipient of the shipment can be reached, designated on the Console as Contact Phone.

The permissible content of this, [+()\-0-9\s]+, should match regular expressions.

For /v1/shipments_exact the API validates the existence of recipient_telephone in the request body. For CSV upload via /v1/bulkvalidate, the API validates the existence of recipient_telephone on each row. In both cases, if the country code is IN, the limit is 255 of the alphanumeric characters specified above while all other country codes limit recipient_telephone to 40.

M. Delivery Type

ShipmentDeliveryTypeEnum specifies the method of shipping:

  • 1 - Normal (standard) shipping (default)
  • 2 - Expedited (rush) shipping.

N. InventoryType

The inventory_type requires one of the values given in the Inventory Types (Stock) table below.

Product <> inventory type mapping
Product or Inventory Name shown on Purchase Order Value to use for inventory_type
YubiKey Lanyard 1
Security Key C NFC by Yubico (Black) 1
Security Key C NFC by Yubico - Enterprise Edition 1
Security Key NFC by Yubico (Black) 1
Security Key NFC by Yubico - Enterprise Edition 1
YubiKey 5 Nano 1
YubiKey 5 Nano FIPS 1
YubiKey 5 NFC 1
YubiKey 5 NFC FIPS 1
YubiKey 5C 1
YubiKey 5C FIPS 1
YubiKey 5C Nano 1
YubiKey 5C Nano FIPS 1
YubiKey 5C NFC 1
YubiKey 5C NFC FIPS 1
YubiKey 5Ci 1
YubiKey 5Ci FIPS 1
YubiKey Bio - FIDO Edition 1
YubiKey C Bio - FIDO Edition 1
Advanced - Plus - Backup 3
Advanced - Plus - Backup - Replacement 5
Advanced - Plus - Primary 3
Advanced - Plus - Primary - Replacement 5
Advanced - Standard - Backup 3
Advanced - Standard - Backup - Replacement 5
Advanced - Standard - Primary 3
Advanced - Standard - Primary - Replacement 5
Advanced/Bio - Plus - Backup 3
Advanced/Bio - Plus - Backup - Replacement 5
Advanced/Bio - Plus - Primary 3
Advanced/Bio - Plus - Primary - Replacement 5
Advanced/Bio - Standard - Backup 3
Advanced/Bio - Standard - Backup - Replacement 5
Advanced/Bio - Standard - Primary 3
Advanced/Bio - Standard - Primary - Replacement 5
Backup Subscr - Adv. Tier: Buffer 4
Backup Subscr - Adv. Tier: Initial 3
Backup Subscr - Adv. Tier: Replacement 5
Backup Subscr - Base Tier: Buffer 4
Backup Subscr - Base Tier: Initial 3
Backup Subscr - Base Tier: Replacement 5
Backup Subscr - FIPS Tier: Buffer 4
Backup Subscr - FIPS Tier: Initial 3
Backup Subscr - FIPS Tier: Replacement 5
Backup Subscr - Prem. Tier: Buffer 4
Backup Subscr - Prem. Tier: Initial 3
Backup Subscr - Prem. Tier: Replacement 5
Base - Plus - Backup 3
Base - Plus - Backup - Replacement 5
Base - Plus - Primary 3
Base - Plus - Primary - Replacement 5
Base - Standard - Backup 3
Base - Standard - Backup - Replacement 5
Base - Standard - Primary 3
Base - Standard - Primary - Replacement 5
Base/Bio - Plus - Backup 3
Base/Bio - Plus - Backup - Replacement 5
Base/Bio - Plus - Primary 3
Base/Bio - Plus - Primary - Replacement 5
Base/Bio - Standard - Backup 3
Base/Bio - Standard - Backup - Replacement 5
Base/Bio - Standard - Primary 3
Base/Bio - Standard - Primary - Replacement 5
Compliance - Plus - Backup 3
Compliance - Plus - Backup - Replacement 5
Compliance - Plus - Primary 3
Compliance - Plus - Primary - Replacement 5
Compliance - Standard - Backup 3
Compliance - Standard - Backup - Replacement 5
Compliance - Standard - Primary 3
Compliance - Standard - Primary - Replacement 5
Non-subscription - Advanced Tier 2
Non-subscription - Base Tier 2
Non-subscription - FIPS Tier 2
Non-subscription - Premium Tier 2
Primary Subscr - Adv. Tier: Buffer 4
Primary Subscr - Adv. Tier: Initial 3
Primary Subscr - Adv. Tier: Replacement 5
Primary Subscr - Base Tier: Buffer 4
Primary Subscr - Base Tier: Initial 3
Primary Subscr - Base Tier: Replacement 5
Primary Subscr - FIPS Tier: Buffer 4
Primary Subscr - FIPS Tier: Initial 3
Primary Subscr - FIPS Tier: Replacement 5
Primary Subscr - Prem. Tier: Buffer 4
Primary Subscr - Prem. Tier: Initial 3
Primary Subscr - Prem. Tier: Replacement 5
  • Customers who have purchased Subscription (2.0) will be selecting only Inventory Type 3 or 5.
  • If you have purchased keys on the perpetual mode and/or lanyards, use Inventory Type 1.
  • If you are not a subscription customer, but have purchased one or more tiers of virtual keys instead of physical keys, use Inventory Type 2.
  • Subscription (1.0) customers: Use Inventory Types 3, 4, and/or 5.
Stock: Initial, Buffer, Replacement
The stock in this category reflects the
total number of users on the subscription. This
lot can be drawn upon for 12 months from the
start of your subscription term.
This category is made available to you free of
charge when your subscription begins. You can
draw on it throughout the term of your
This category is intended for those who have
lost their YubiKeys or want to upgrade. The
stock in this category is reset each year of
the subscription to the Replacement limit.
  • Use up all of your Inventory Type 3, Initial, within the first year of your subscription.
  • Use Inventory Type 4 at any time: Buffer stock expires only at the end of your subscription term.
  • Use Inventory Type 5, Replacement, for users who have lost their keys or want to upgrade. Any keys not used in a given year are forfeited at the end of that year.

O. Channel Partners

The CSV file used in the upload includes the new channel_partner_ID field. The channel partner ID is a non-zero integer shown as a field on the purchase order table and on the purchase order details page.

To order keys via API from inventory purchased through channel partners (distributors/resellers), the new /shipments_exact APIs must be used; see Deprecated APIs below. The older, deprecated /shipments API only supports ordering keys from inventory purchased directly from Yubico.

The following APIs related to bulk shipments have been updated to handle channel partners:

  • POST /shipments/bulk
  • GET /shipments/bulk
  • POST /shipments/bulkvalidate
  • POST /shipments/bulkdelete - For the sake of completeness, this is included in the list, but it has not changed.

The GET /shipments/csv API will also be updated to support channel partners.

Product ID and Inventory Product ID

The product_id is the unique identifier for the product, e.g., 4 is the YubiKey 5C Nano. The inventory_product_id can be thought of as the ID for a “bucket” containing credits that your organization bought to cover the purchase of keys, lanyards, etc. Typically organizations with subscriptions have multiple “buckets”, while organizations without a subscription might have only a single “bucket.”

Both product_id and inventory_product_id are required fields.

Use the inventory_product_id to specify which inventory you are pulling from. The inventories correspond exactly to:

  • The inventories shown on the YubiEnterprise Console Dashboard and
  • The options in the Choose from stock dropdown on the Single shipment tab accessed by clicking Create Shipment Request on the Shipments screen.

The Stock/Inventory table below lists both product_id and inventory_product_id in the same column, and contains all inventories and products except custom products.

  • To get the complete list of products and inventories available to your organization, make a call to GET /inventory.

  • If you have custom products, calling GET /inventory will return a list that also contains your custom products (see also Custom-programmed YubiKeys).

  • When making requests, use the /inventory end point to find the product_id to use for that and/or inventory_product_id.


    The inventory_product_id can have the same value as the product_id field in the individual inventory_records.

Stock/Inventory: product_id and inventory_product_id mapped to Product Name
product_id and/or

1 YubiKey 5 NFC
2 YubiKey 5 Nano
3 YubiKey 5C
4 YubiKey 5C Nano
5 YubiKey 5Ci
7 Security Key NFC by Yubico
8 YubiKey FIPS
9 YubiKey Nano FIPS
10 YubiKey C FIPS
11 YubiKey C Nano FIPS
12 Primary Subscr - Base Tier: Initial
13 Primary Subscr - Base Tier: Buffer
14 Primary Subscr - Base Tier: Replacement
15 Primary Subscr - Adv. Tier: Initial
16 Primary Subscr - Adv. Tier: Buffer
17 Primary Subscr - Adv. Tier: Replacement
18 Primary Subscr - Prem. Tier: Initial
19 Primary Subscr - Prem. Tier: Buffer
20 Primary Subscr - Prem. Tier: Replacement
21 Primary Subscr - FIPS Tier: Initial
22 Primary Subscr - FIPS Tier: Buffer
23 Primary Subscr - FIPS Tier: Replacement
24 Non-subscription - Base Tier
25 Non-subscription - Advanced Tier
26 Non-subscription - Premium Tier
27 Non-subscription - FIPS Tier
28 YubiKey Lanyard
29 YubiKey 5C NFC
38 Backup Subscr - Base Tier: Initial
39 Backup Subscr - Base Tier: Buffer
40 Backup Subscr - Base Tier: Replacement
41 Backup Subscr - Adv. Tier: Initial
42 Backup Subscr - Adv. Tier: Buffer
43 Backup Subscr - Adv. Tier: Replacement
44 Backup Subscr - Prem. Tier: Initial
45 Backup Subscr - Prem. Tier: Buffer
46 Backup Subscr - Prem. Tier: Replacement
47 Backup Subscr - FIPS Tier: Initial
48 Backup Subscr - FIPS Tier: Buffer
49 Backup Subscr - FIPS Tier: Replacement
54 YubiKey 5 NFC FIPS
55 YubiKey 5C NFC FIPS
56 YubiKey 5Ci FIPS
57 YubiKey 5 Nano FIPS
58 YubiKey 5C FIPS
59 YubiKey 5C Nano FIPS
68 YubiKey C Bio - FIDO Edition
69 YubiKey Bio - FIDO Edition
82 Security Key NFC by Yubico (Black)
83 Security Key C NFC by Yubico (Black)
84 Security Key NFC by Yubico - Enterprise Edition
85 Security Key C NFC by Yubico - Enterprise Edition
86 Base - Standard - Primary
87 Base - Standard - Backup
88 Base - Standard - Primary - Replacement
89 Base - Standard - Backup - Replacement
90 Base - Plus - Primary
91 Base - Plus - Backup
92 Base - Plus - Primary - Replacement
93 Base - Plus - Backup - Replacement
94 Base/Bio - Standard - Primary
95 Base/Bio - Standard - Backup
96 Base/Bio - Standard - Primary - Replacement
97 Base/Bio - Standard - Backup - Replacement
98 Base/Bio - Plus - Primary
99 Base/Bio - Plus - Backup
100 Base/Bio - Plus - Primary - Replacement
101 Base/Bio - Plus - Backup - Replacement
102 Advanced - Standard - Primary
103 Advanced - Standard - Backup
104 Advanced - Standard - Primary - Replacement
105 Advanced - Standard - Backup - Replacement
106 Advanced - Plus - Primary
107 Advanced - Plus - Backup
108 Advanced - Plus - Primary - Replacement
109 Advanced - Plus - Backup - Replacement
110 Advanced/Bio - Standard - Primary
111 Advanced/Bio - Standard - Backup
112 Advanced/Bio - Standard - Primary - Replacement
113 Advanced/Bio - Standard - Backup - Replacement
114 Advanced/Bio - Plus - Primary
115 Advanced/Bio - Plus - Backup
116 Advanced/Bio - Plus - Primary - Replacement
117 Advanced/Bio - Plus - Backup - Replacement
118 Compliance - Standard - Primary
119 Compliance - Standard - Backup
120 Compliance - Standard - Primary - Replacement
121 Compliance - Standard - Backup - Replacement
122 Compliance - Plus - Primary
123 Compliance - Plus - Backup
124 Compliance - Plus - Primary - Replacement
125 Compliance - Plus - Backup - Replacement

Custom-programmed YubiKeys

If your organization has custom-programmed YubiKeys, to make a shipment request, use the /inventory /products APIs to get the inventory_product_id and product_id. Using standard product_id codes in shipment requests will result in errors.

Error Messages

In the API

The following response is sent if recipient_telephone is not included in the request to create shipment at shipments_exact as per POST /v1/shipments_exact:

400 Bad Request {
  code: 'validation_error',
  message: 'We were unable to create the shipment',
  errors: [
      field: 'recipient_telephone',
      message: 'recipient_telephone is a required field'

In the CSV

When uploading a CSV file with no recipient_telephone provided in one or more rows:

YRIEIXLECHAT-01:shipments yrieix.lechat$ cat my-shipments.csv
Country code 2,Company,First name,Last name,Address 1,Address 2,Address 3,City,Region/State,Postcode,RecipientEmail,RecipientTelephone,DeliveryType,InventoryType,ChannelPartnerId,YubiKey 5 NFC,YubiKey 5 Nano,YubiKey 5C,YubiKey 5C Nano,YubiKey 5Ci,Security Key NFC by Yubico,YubiKey FIPS,YubiKey Nano FIPS,YubiKey C FIPS,YubiKey C Nano FIPS
US,My Company,Yrieix,LeChat,123 Home Ave,,,Brooklyn,NY,11111,y.lechat@yubico.com,,Normal,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0
YRIEIXLECHAT-01:shipments yrieix.lechat$ curl -v -s -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer ..." -F file=@./my-shipments.csv http://api.console.local/v1/shipments/bulkvalidate   | json_pp
> POST /v1/shipments/bulkvalidate HTTP/1.1
> Host: api.console.local
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
   "csv_filename" : "my-shipments.csv",
   "failed_rows" : [
         "fatal_messages" : "recipient_telephone is a required field",
         "row_number" : 2
   "lines_in_file" : 2,
   "lines_not_parsable" : 1,
   "lines_read" : 1

The system chooses the stock (inventory) from which products are drawn.


The following example of a Bash script calls Curl to upload a CSV file with multiple shipment requests. To scroll horizontally, click in the code box below.



curl -F "file=@/path/to/file/bulk_shipment.csv" https://api.console.yubico.com/v1/shipments/bulkvalidate \
--header "x-authorization: Bearer ${token}"

For instructions on creating and populating the CSV file, see Shipping to Multiple Addresses: Bulk Shipments.

Validating CSV Uploads

Lines in the file, including header.
Lines that were able to be read in as
CSV, excluding the header. lines_read
should thus be one less than lines_in_file
Lines that passed basic validation.
lines_parsable + lines_not_parsable =

Example: If a file that is not in the CSV format is uploaded, even if it had 100 lines, 0 lines would be read, because the CSV reader function cannot read the lines in as CSV.

Example: If a file has too many columns - i.e., more columns than the header row has - 0 lines would be read.

Examples of Error Messages

  • Error with GetCountryByTwoLetterCode for CountryCode2: TT
  • InventoryType not set for Shipment, defaulting to 1
  • DeliveryType not set for Shipment, defaulting to 1 - normal
  • Wrong number of fields

To file a support ticket for YubiEnterprise Delivery, click Support.