API Shipment Listing, Searching and Tracking

The following sections provide examples of how to work with shipment request searches, listings, and trackings using the YubiEnterprise API.

To get a better understanding of how shipment requests work, see also:

Listing Shipment Requests

GET /shipments_exact retrieves a list of all shipments. Because there is a 100-record limit on all API calls only the first 100 records are returned.

In cases where there are more than 100 shipments, iterate through the shipments based on the number of shipments provided by the total_count parameter.

Use the optional parameters to obtain more records. For example:

// get the first 100

// get the second 100

// get the third 100

For more information, see shipments in the YubiEnterprise API Reference.

Searching Shipments

The /shipments_exact/search-description route provides a description of the searchable fields on searchable resources. Returns a metadata object that describes which fields on GET /shipments_exact are searchable/sortable.

For more information, see shipments in the YubiEnterprise API Reference.

Tracking Shipments

A successful response from the shipments_exact resource will include a shipment_id which can be used to get the tracking information for this shipment request.

Example using the shipment_id “U89bvfKKCtQfhnqaFBrAZW”:

curl "https://api.console.yubico.com/v1/shipments_exact/U89bvfKKCtQfhnqaFBrAZW" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhb..." \

The response includes a tracking_number and a tracking_link for the shipment.

For more information, see shipments in the YubiEnterprise API Reference.

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